Region 9 Blog on Learning Recovery

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6-Step Checklist Can Help District and School Leaders Plan to Use Federal Funds to Support Learning Recover.

Abraham Lincoln is often credited with saying, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Although I don’t spend much time chopping down trees, I have found this quote to be a wise reminder to dedicate time to reflect and focus on providing the right support to my teams so we can meet our goals and sustain our success. This past year has been full of unexpected challenges for schools and districts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a district or school leader, you may be suffering from decision fatigue as well as your own personal trauma from having lived through a pandemic while working diligently to ensure students had access to education. This is truly a time when a district or school leader like yourself would benefit from adopting Abraham Lincoln’s mindset as you try to understand the pandemic’s impact on student learning and the need for learning recovery.

Read the rest of the blog here and download the Checklist