Community of Practice Resources

State education agencies (SEA), districts, and schools continue to grapple with an array of ongoing and emerging needs and challenges while also seeing unprecedented levels of funding to support change. The pandemic–and the influx of incredible amounts of stimulus funding to support education–present state and local leaders and their community partners with a unique opportunity to innovate in ways that support improvements and accelerate student academic and developmental outcomes. Each of the Communities of Practice outlined below offers SEA teams a chance to connect with peers and experts as they work on specific issues relevant to their context.

These communities will support SEAs and their partners (e.g. Local Educational Agencies, Regional Comprehensive Centers, and state/territory or community partners) as they engage around specific problems of practice. Grounded in Continuous Improvement and Implementation Science, the communities will help state teams learn from each other while tailoring their own approaches.

Available Topics:

Evidence-Based Interventions: Using ARP Resources to Accelerate Learning Community of Practice

In the Evidence-Based Interventions: Using ARP Resources to Accelerate Learning Community of Practice (EBI Community), cross-departmental SEA teams actively engage in shared inquiry to identify and collectively address problems of practice ensuring effective and sustainable use of ARP funding to support learning recovery/learning acceleration.

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Strategic Use of Summer and Afterschool Set Asides Community of Practice

The Strategic Use of Summer and Afterschool Set Asides Community of Practice (Summer and Afterschool Community) is comprised of SEA teams that are committed to demonstrating the lasting benefits of summer and afterschool stimulus funding for youth, families, and out-of-school time systems.

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Driving Toward Equity Through School Improvement Community of Practice

In the Driving Equity Through School Improvement Community of Practice (Equity and School Improvement Community), SEA and district leaders will learn with and from each other about the use of equity indicators to address disparities in outcomes and improve opportunities for students and educators across the nation.

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